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Sworn Translation
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Sworn translation is a special category of translation, in which the sworn translator or interpreter certifies and attests to the fact that the content is a faithful, correct and complete reproduction of the original.
In compliance with applicable legislation, sworn translation and interpreting can only be conducted by a translator who has been authorised by a competent authority. In Spain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants this authorisation. In Autonomous Communities with co-official languages, the respective regional authorities grant the authorisation. Linguists wishing to issue sworn translations must first pass a public examination.
Sworn translation is valid only if the document bears the original seal and signature of the sworn translator or interpreter. Thus, sworn translations must be issued on printed paper.
When you request your free quote, don’t forget to mention where you live or where you would like the translation delivered, as well as how many copies you would like to receive.
If you have any questions about sworn translation, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
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